Wednesday, October 29, 2008
29 October2008 Bundaberg
Sal and Col went to Hervey Bay to visit friends. Tracey, Mike and the Boys went to visit Tracey’s mum at Woodgate Jan stayed home and updated the Blog, Steve had to return to Darwin.
28 October2008 Bundaberg
Jan and Mike went into the Bundy Rum Factory for a tour, then out for a look around Bundaberg. The Boys went out for a game of golf and Sal stayed home to do domestics. Steve took everyone out for dinner at a lovely restaurant Le Chef
27 October2008 Bundaberg
Jan wanted to go shopping for some warmer clothes, so off to the shops it was. Also grabbed a couple of bits and pieces for the tent and car. Tracey took Sal, Col and Steve on a trip around Bundy.
26 October2008 Yeppoon to Bundaberg
Left early, Col wanted to grab some things in Rockhampton for the trailer, but unsuccessful – it was Sunday and they don’t trade on a Sunday.
25 October2008 Cape Hillsborough to Yeppoon
Up early as today was going to be a long drive. Had a final walk a the mangrove boardwalk.
Said a fond farewell to Gaye and John (Gaye made sure that we had another Penny's Brekky pie for our trip YUM!!)
Visited Dan Murphys in Mackay for some cheap grog,
then went to Cape Palmerston National Park for a look
– very nice, once again on the beach and some good fishing would be able to be had. Stopped for lunch and then off again.
Decided to stay at Yeppoon at the Big 4 park, by the time we got there it was 5.30 – what a long day – it felt like it was never ending. Had dinner and then early night – we were all buggered.
24 October2008 Cape Hillsborough
Decided to stay on and get up early to do the 6km walk. This one went up the hill and around the beachfront. It was well worth it for the different views. Back to the camp site for a big brunch and more trivia. Mike went for a bit of a walk and found that a turtle had come up during the night and layed eggs in our walking track. Went down took some photos and covered it with a couple of big sticks to make sure others took note. Had a late fish (although nothing doing), the baked dinner prepared by Sally.
23 October2008 Seaforth to Cape Hillsborough
Packed up and decided to try out Cape Hillsborough – if it didn’t work out, we were going to return to Seaforth for another night. Went and said goodbye to Gay and John with a promise to call in on the way back through – were given a bacon and egg Penny’s pie for breakfast (Yum), and then off to Cape Hillsborough. First off went up to the Resort, couldn’t find any bush camping there (we had been given recommendations to stay here), so asked at the resort. Was told about the camp sites at Smallys beach, so ventured over that way in the hope that there would be some vacant. Found the camping area and a site that would fit all of us, once again lovely, right next to the beach – with a separate walking track from each of the camp sites to the beach. Set up camp and returned to the Resort where the walking tracks were. Went on the Juipera Plant trail. Back to the camp grounds for drinks, lunch then some fishing. Col caught a catfish – very small, but it was his second fish caught. Had dinner (mike cooked massaman curry – yum)and then played some Trivia.
22 October2008 Townsville to Seaforth (M&J) Seaforth (S&C)
M&J......Had heard from Sal that they were at Seaforth and had found Gay and John at Seaforth which was a small community right next to Cape Hillsborough which was on the plan anyway. On the way visited Bowen – well we had to have a look at the town that portrays Darwin during the war – yep, it was a good choice for Darwin (except for the hills), it did have the big wide streets and the old world houses and buildings. Had a Hunky Jackman meat pie and the bakery (Jan had read about them) and was disappointed, time also seemed to get away from us, so we decided on giving Airlie Beach a miss – otherwise we wouldn’t have arrived with any light left, so Seaforth was to be the next stop. Caught up with Sal, Col and Steve at the council camp gound (right on the beach), Seaforth is a small village of houses with a couple of shops. One of the shops being the service station/general store which Gay and John own. Set up camp and then went over for a big hug and welcome. It was lovely to catch up. After that went to the beach to watch Col and Steve fish, then back for some dinner and a few drinks with Gay and John.
21 October2008 Townsville (M&J) Seaforth (S&C)
M&J......Went to Magnetic Island for a half day tour. This was on a stretch Jeep. Great for the tour and the guide was really informative. Mike and I decided that this is another place that we would like to come back to, we would be happy spending a week here as there was a lot to offer – particularly in the way of bush walks etc. On the Ferry coming back we were overrun with children. There was a convention of some sort and they were all over at Maggie for the day. When we got back stopped off at JB Hi fi to get more memory for the camera and then home. Tonight was drinks and dinner at the Casino. Not too bad and broke even at the casino so it was a good night. Farewelled Cathy and Greg, will catch up with the in Sydney.
20 October2008 Townsville (M&J) Airlie Beach (S&C)
M&J......Up early for Brekkie with Cathy and Greg. They were going to play a round of golf, so we went for a walk along the foreshore and into Townsville itself, then returned to the Caravan Park to do some domestics (catching up on washing etc,) with the rain at the National Park, the sheets got a bit wet, so it was a good opportunity to give them a wash. This afternoon Cathy and Greg drove us around Townsville for a guided Tour. We went up Castle Hill for a look – great views, then to their block of land for a look at hat area. We decided on dinner at Palmer street in the city. Went to the Asian restaurant, food was nice but not a lot of it.
19 October2008 Jourama Falls (Paluma National Park) to Townsville (M&J) ?????????? (S&C)
M&J...... Had brekkie, let things dry out about bit, then on our way again. Decided to visit the town of Paluma as Mike had read a bit about it, it was talked up to be like Bowral in NSW, but was very disappointing – nothing opened to look at and most of the businesses up there appeared to be for sale. The road going up was very scenic and Little Crystal Creek and the handmade bridge was worth stopping and having a look. From there it was on to Townsville where we were meeting up with Jan’s cousin Cathy and her hubby Greg. Had a drive around Townsville, couldn’t believe the change since last time wither of us had been here, found our caravan park (Rowes Bay Caravan park). We had organised a cabin as this was going to be a treat for the next couple of days. Met up with Cathy and Greg for dinner at the local pub – lovely meals, good drinks and great company.
18 October2008 Wongalang Beach to Jourama Falls (Paluma National Park) (M&J) Mt Surprise (S&C)
M&J......Packed up and decided to look at Paluma National Park. We had been told about Jourama Falls and that there was a lovely National Park camp site there. Found a good camping spot and set up. Then decided to visit the falls. The walk was pretty good – through creeks and up many many stairs, but once on top the view was worthwhile. Once again an early night, it poured throughout the night, so it was a bit damp in the morning when we got up.
17 October2008 Henrietta Creek to Wongalang Beach (near Mission Beach) (M&J) Flying Fish Point to Mt Surprise ( S&C)
M&J......Up early had breakfast and then a bush shower. It was lovely except for the Leech on the shower rose that Mike didn’t tell Jan about and she had washed her underarms and private bits!! Mike had his shower after that and talk about timing, just as he was finished a bus load of school kids turned up. Finished packing and then left – we had decided that it was a bit too wet for the waterfall – so it will need to be visited on the next trip. Decided to stop off at the Skywalk which has only recently opened. It was well worth it – amazing being up so high in the tree tops and unbelievable views. After that continued on to Innisfail for some lunch and then a trip out to Flying Fish point to look at Lee and Johnno’s house. Continued down the caost to Mission Beach. Found a lovely camping ground at Wongalang Beach. Went to the local Thai for dinner.
16 October2008 Granite Gorge to Henrietta Creek (M&J) Flying Fish Point (S&C)
M&J......Packed up and then went for the big walk over the boulders. Jan had to stop at one point as the boulders got too hard. Mike met up with a tourist and finished the walk. He said that it was tough for him to do. After that went into Mareeba to the bank and then headed off to Henrietta Creek. On the way went via the Waterfalls track – got to see some lovely waterfalls including Milla Milla. Also stopped off at Gallo Dairy for lunch. Set up at Henrietta Creek – we were told that the waterfall was the best in the tablelands, but decided to do it tomorrow morning. Went for a walk to the bush pool which was an easy 10 minutes away, then returned and set up camp. Had dinner and an early night.
15 October2008 Granite Gorge (M&J) Cairns (S&C)
M&J......Went to Herberton today. First stop Atherton, didn’t see much through here but did stop off at the bakery for their award winning bread (have you noticed a theme with the food in the trip – it is a comparison of bakeries on the way down – when we get into wine country it will be wineries!!) This is a small mining town that has retained a lot of its original character Walked the streets, visited the mining museum, had lunch using the bread that we bought and grabbed some local homemade sausages from the butchers for tea. After that went to the crater – had to drive through a big bush fire (apparently it was the biggest that they had had for years). The crater is amazing and worth the trip. Went home via the Lake Tinaroo. Needed to check it out incase we wanted to stay next time we were in the area
14 October2008 Granite Gorge (M&J) Cairns (S&C)
M&J......Went to the Mareeba Wetlands today. (after deciding to stay on a the gorge for another couple of nights) reminded us very much of Bird Billabong. Went on the boat ride and then for the 6 km walk. Saw lots of birds which were the same as home, but also did get to see some black swans and wild horses on the track.
13 October2008 Cairns to Granite Gorge (M&J) Cairns (S&C)
M&J......Drove up to Mareeba to have a look around.Stopped off at the Bakery – this was the best one yet – a drive through one with all sorts of cakes and pies. Had read about Granite Gorge, so thought that we would have the night there. What a lovely camp ground. Had a phone call from Barbara from Switzerland, it was such as shame as she was in Cairns and we missed catching up with her. It is not a national park, bit a privately run nature park with many walks and friendly locals (including the local Rock Wallaby population). Had a bushwalk, actually it was a boulder walk as we had to scramble over boulders to get anywhere, and then a relatively early night
12 October2008 Cairns
M&J...... Breakfast at Paradise Palms Country Club, caught up with Sharon and Gavin in the afternoon had an early night as we are leaving tomorrow.
11 October2008 Cairns
M&J ......Sorted out the contents of the car and the stuff to go back to Darwin – Jan had packed so much that Lee and Johnno had offered to take things back to Darwin when they went!!! It ended up being a few bags worth!! Went to Copperload dam today with friend Val - Lovely Picnic then walk
10 October2008 Cairns
M&J ......Sleep in today as we were home late last night. Had to drop the car off for its service, decided to go into Rusty’s markets to get a few bits and pieces for our trip. Sal and Col rang to say that they were going fishing, so we met them at Yorkeys Knob. Watched them have a fish – as we left Col caught a fish!! Dinner tonight was Pizza from the local Pizza place.
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